
(C) 2005-2024 Ethea

What is InstantBDExpress

The goal of InstantBDExpress (IBDX) is to aid in the conversion of BDE-based applications towards the dbExpress technology.

IBDX contains:

IBDX currently supports those versions of Delphi for Win32 and Win64: Delphi 7, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 11 and 12. Other versions of Delphi are available only by request.


The IBDX package contains the IBDX Delphi components (the first item in the list above). To install them:

The <IBDX> folder will contain a bin subfolder with the tools IBDXAdministrator and IBDXDataPump (and the compiled IBDX package as well), a doc sub-folder with the available documentation, a lib sub-folder with the compiled binary files (dcu and dcp files) and a demos sub-folder with an example converted application. There's also a samples sub-folder with files referenced in the documentation. Depending on the distribution, you could also find a src sub-folder with the components' source files, and other folders. The lib folder has a sub-folder for each supported Delphi version. For example, the files for Delphi XE8 are located in <IBDX>\lib\DXE8.

Once these steps are completed, the IBDX components are available for your applications. You can replace the BDE components with them through global search & replace operations on the sources, or apply interposing techniques which avoid the need to rename anything in some cases. If you need help, feel free to contact us.

Conversion strategies

Several different approaches are possible to convert an existing BDE application to dbExpress through the use of IBDX. The  Conversion strategies article describes them in detail. We have tried to summarize our expertise in converting BDE application in this article, but please understand that each application to convert requires careful ad-hoc analysis and small or big changes, depending on the way it is written and the techniques it uses. There are applications that are simply not worth the effort, and rewriting them is quicker than trying to port them semlessly; it also yields better results.

For big and/or complex applications, you might want to take advantage of Ethea's ad-hoc consulting and development services. We know how it's done; we can tell you how to do it and help you to do it.

Currently known differences between the BDE and IBDX

This section lists the current main differences between IBDX and the BDE. It will be updated with each version of IBDX, and is intended to give you a quick way to spot show-stoppers. Some things in this list will be changed/added in future releases, while others are going to stay because they are out of the scope of IBDX.

Change log and release notes

See the Release notes fsor a list of all changes in this version of IBDX.